A literary journey through the Trump years and the global pandemic, as seen by author Dylan Carpowich.

Environmental Cues to Spark Joy

Environmental Cues to Spark Joy

Generally speaking, the Psychology department can be improved by being cleaner and having good cleaning habits. I've seen more than my fair share of messy desks while moving papers around the California Legislature. Being messy is generally a sign of poor health and can lead to relationship problems, as it is a generic symptom of computer screen burnout and workplace life.

There are basic habits and behaviors that both genders do that are the same, and it's important to understand the reasons behind why people do them. Generally speaking, men should do things that improve their chances of having high-quality sex with their wives more often. That's the idea behind why men tend to do what they do.

As for women, I won't even try to solve that mystery here in this book since they don't even know why they do what they do.

Here's a real-life premise to improve one's psychology using cues from the environment. Men tend to be messy and leave things around the house that irritate their wives, such as not doing the dishes enough or leaving their dirty clothes on the bedroom floor. That's not a big deal, but men can do better in this department. I would call all of that "environmental cues," and science can help us in this regard.

I took a biology of sexual reproduction class in community college, and here's what the textbook says about environmental influences and sexual health:

"The amount of lubrication in the vagina is not necessarily a sign of how sexually aroused the woman is or how ready she might be for sexual activity. Particularly for females, genital responses must be supported by environmental cues and stimuli in order to create a sexual context" (Mader 2004, 111).

A lot of men want to have more sex, and another workable premise is that a male should read the above reference, connect the dots, and think to himself, "The more dishes I do, the fewer dirty clothes I leave on the floor, and the fewer messes I make around the house, the more often I will have high-quality, hot sex with my wife." Then the guy should implement those habits into his daily routine.

But behavioral psychology and relationships are hardly that simple. Even though I took that class and read that paragraph, I was still a messy person. My messes always irritated my dad, who was raised in a military household. My grandfather was a sergeant, and he drilled cleaning habits into his kids, such as making their beds and cleaning up their room.

My dad learned about minimalism, design, and cleaning the kitchen as you cook from Japanese roommates he had in college during the late 1960s and early 1970s. But I'm not my dad, so I needed the Kondo Method.

In the spring of 2016, I was 80 pounds heavier than I am today and was sort of a total loser. On Cinco de Mayo, I was having drinks with a girl whom I had no shot with. I left, and a different male hit on her, which pissed me off but also got me walking to lose weight. That same week, I was at Barnes and Noble, and I saw a little book on tidying that reminded me of my sexual biology class, so I picked it up and gave it a shot.

Now, I don't know what kind of mind hack that Japanese lady's book did to me. All I did was what the book said to do and rearrange my room. I also kept walking and made the Kondo Way a habitual lifestyle. Since then, I've taken so many steps I've lost count. The last time I checked, in 3 years of walking, I've walked about the distance of the entire Lewis and Clark Corp of Discovery Journey. It also fixed my problem of being a lifelong messy person and my psychology, in the future it should help with my environmental cue psychology department.

The Kondo Method also fixed my problem of being a lifelong messy person and improved my psychology. In the future, it should also help with my environmental cue psychology department. The Kondo Method worked for me, but everyone is different. However, there is something to it, and I fully endorse it.

Me "Collected Writings" pp 450. (I wrote this probably in 2018/2019, I am still doing the Kondo thing)

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