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Arts by Dylan: City of Suisun City California Canvas

Arts by Dylan: City of Suisun City California Canvas

Regular price $250.00 USD
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My old Hometown.
Named after the Suisun Indians who faught against Spanish colinzation. 
Their most famous member was one of California's early pre gold rush founding fathers named Sam Yeto who was given the christian name Solano a name that originated St. Solano a Spanish missionary who did good work in Peru by peacefully converting Native Americans with the help of his violen. 
Chief Solano of California later went on to become good friends with Mariano Vallejo who was a dscendent of Alfonso Vallejo who was an admiral in the Spanish Navy who brought Columbus back to Spain for trial after his second voyage ended in disaster. 
Along I 80 just east of of Suisun City is Pena Adobe where Chief Solano once tried to rescue his friend Mariano Vallejo after he was captured in the town of Sonoma the night of the Bear Flag Revolt on June 14 1846. Chief Solano died a few years later and his funeral was attened by many tribes from all over California.  However, a quirck of history has lost his gravesight and he is burried somehwere near the Solano/Napa County border.
Later on more Americans and Asians began settling the area.  The poet Edwin Markham spent his childhood as a settler in Solano County near Pena Adobe.  He later would have one of his poem's read at the dedication of a memorial to Abraham Lincoln in Washington DC in 1922. 
Photographer: Dylan Carpowich


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